FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

ThaPakEdu.com isn't all about education in Pakistan but students outside Pakistan studying in Pakistan universities as well. So, what ever is included in the education we try to pass it to the students either they are within or outside the country. We try to help students with articles, news and examination papers. That is the brief introduction of site... Yes!
Here are the most common questions one could read before contacting us!

Why we are running ThePakEdu.com?

The answer is simply to help and educate the students to meet them all the important things that could help them in their written, psychological or public tests. We are providing different past papers which are mostly up to date to the final exam, news related to the universities and articles to help.

How can I request to remove some of the content?

We collect papers from the students and other people relevant to the institution and even sometime directly from the institutions like the modal papers which are provided to the students by institutions itself. If you think some content on our web is your property, you don't want it on our site and you hold the copyrights, you can contact us with your digital and valid copyright info or signature.
Check out our contact page for more info.

Is the data provided on web is 100% correct/accurate?

The answer is simply NO! ThePakEdu.com doesn't take any responsibility of 100% accurate data. The reason is that most of the data is collected and reproduced as it was told by some students or observed in a particular situation. Other than that, sometime the data is published is a wrong way mistakenly. For the accuracy and mistakes free content, we generally pin the official web, advertisement or notices by the institutions. So, the user could directly approach to the office notices.
If you find any error, mistake or bug report us with the link to particular page. We'll validate your reported information.
To let us know just visit our contact page please.

Can I help others? / Can I share my exam papers?

Yes, you can help others in many ways like sharing your past papers, your own articles and experiences. It would be our honor to publish your name with your content if you want. You can send any data to us using the e-mail provided on our contact page. Your content would be published after review.
For this purpose, a comprehensive way of sharing and helping others through user help would be introduced on web later in few months or so.

What if I don't find anything?

Other than search which is on the top of each page which is the better way to find required information, if you still think you are not getting your desired info. You can let us know, it is possible that some of the important content is missing or we upload your desired content on your request!
Contact us!

If you don't still find the answer to your query, you can leave a message. We'll reply your queries.