Explore Past Papers!

Welcome to ThePakEdu.com where you can find up-to-date and old papers for the popular public and private sector universities particularly in distance learning. In distance learning students are not physically attach to the instructors and teachers, that is why past papers play and essential and imperative role in their exams. Universities like Allama Iqbal Open University, Punjab University and University of Sargodha are offering different courses in distance learning to the students of far off places and even outside the country (overseas). Intermediate boards conduct examinations of matric and inter level education which are also covered on our web in past papers categories.

ThePakEdu.com aims to provide the students good quality navigation through all web pages and high-quality paper picture of past papers and model papers. The past papers will definitely play an important role in passing the exam with good marks and splendid grades. ThePakEdu.com is all about students’ education in Pakistan universities, colleges and lower boards. The past papers are essential and mendatory for the examinations in future particularly in distance learning where students are not physically attached to university teachers. Or students of Borads of Intermediate need past papers who don't have much experience for the examinations. We aim to provide previous papers of universities to perform well and prepare for the exams.

Read our tips to perform well in examination!

To explore previous/past papers effectively and efficiently for any university/BISE keep the main hierarchy in mind and start exploring by the table given below!
Select University/BISE
Sr No.University/BISE
2Punjab University (PU)